Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lincoln is such a strong boy. we have a pull-up bar in one of our doorways, and everytime Lincoln is carried underneath it, he has to look up at it, so one time, Uncle Odell lifted him up there to hold on to it. He acually started to pull himself up! As if he new what to do with it. It was so funny! He even tried it one handed...lol

Camping at Green River

Lincoln in the hiking back pack at the National Arches. It was a very hot day and he wasn't too happy.
Us as a family at Balancing Rock at the Arches National Park . It was fun hiking, but I think I'll wait to go again when I'm not pregnant.

Steve throwing the frisbee to his nieces and nephews. We went camping with them down at Green River.

Here is Lincoln in his play pen while we were camping. He did not want to be in there while mommy cooked dinner.

Lincoln on his first night of camping with his two cousins Carson and Brandon.

Aunt Aubrey and Lincoln riding the Tram at Snowbird Resort.
Aubrey and Lincoln at the top of the mountain at Snowbird. It was so pretty up there!

Cousin Corbin holding Lincoln. Grandpa had to help... Lincoln just loves Corbin. He always wants to play with Corbin's toys, even though Corbin doesn't want him to sometimes... lol

For the Packer Family Reunion(my mom's side) we went to Snowbird Resort and stayed at one of the Lodges. It was so pretty up there. Lincoln had a blast! This picture is of Aubrey and Lincoln one of the early mornings. Aubrey was so nice to take him and play with him so I could get some sleep since Lincoln had a hard time sleeping the night before.

Steve's brother in-law got a boat for Father's Day and they invited us to go for a little ride at Pond's Park here in Kaysville. It was Lincoln's first time in the boat. He didn't really know what to think about the life jacket. He kind of just sat there, not moving. We had a lot of fun riding around, it was very relaxing.

Steve and I went to visit his Dad on Father's Day. While we were there, we thought it would be cute to get a picture of some the fathers and potential fathers.