Friday, February 11, 2011

Trick or Treat Please!

Lincoln and Mason loved Halloween this past fall. It was the coolest thing in the world for them to go door to door and get candy. I think that is what might have started Mason on his "canny" fix. Ever since Halloween, he has been a candy fanatic. Anyway, we decided to go with a star wars theme this year, so we had Lincoln dress up as Yoda and Mason as Darth Vader. I have to say they were the two cutest kids out there...or maybe I'm just biased, I don't know. ha ha

This is Steve's brother Odell and his wife, Nina, and son Josh. I thought their costumes were so clever!

Amongst our trick-or-treating group we had a few more Star Wars characters. This is Steve's sister, Brenda holding baby Darth.

This is our big group of Steve's siblings and their kids. They all had really cute costumes and we had so much fun trick-or-treating with them.

After the boys were done, we went and visited Grandpa Sanders. Of course Lincoln had to eat some candy before we even got home.

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